Black - An intense concentration of all colors, it absorbs light.
Unlike other colors, black reflects very little, if any, light
back to the viewer. This can give the false impression that black
is the absence of colour. It is actually the absence of color
reflection. Think of this color as a black hole in space. It
absorbs all light with little or no reflection back, thus it
becomes a receptacle or a transporter for all that you do not
need or want. Properly used, it can be one of the most useful and
powerful colors available. However, misused, it can cause
Planet: Saturn
Day: Saturday
Energy: Female
Dark blues, Black, Dark Browns and most dark colors
Used For: Meditation rituals, uncrossing rituals and spells to
banish evil and negativity, to break up a blocked or stagnant
situation. The Crone, the unconscious.
Blue - Blue transforms violence, anger, and
hate. It soothes and cools. It gives peace, calm, harmony,
satisfaction, bliss, oneness, and understanding of the spiritual
realms. It is predominately feminine in energy, and is ruled by
either the Moon, Venus, or Saturn, depending on the hue. Many
consider the Royal Blues as belonging to the male energies of
Jupiter. It is up to you to experiment and decide which works
best for you.
Planet: Moon, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter
Day: Monday, Friday, Saturday, Thursday
Energy: Female (sometimes male when used with Jupiter/Thursday)
Blue Whites/ Moon, Blues/ Venus, Dark Blues/ Saturn, Royal
Used for: Magick that involves honor, loyalty, peace,
tranquility, truth, wisdom, protection during sleep, astral
projection and spells to induce prophetic dreams.
Brown - Earth energy. It is feminine in
nature and related to its sister the Moon and Saturn. Being a
relatively balanced combination of Red, Yellow and Blue,
depending on the intensity level, it can be used successfully on
Monday, Friday or Saturday. Brown is one of the more complex
colors, with varied associations.
Planet: Moon (tan browns), Venus (all), Saturn (dark browns)
Day: Monday/ Friday/ Saturday
Used For : Spells to locate lost objects and improve powers of
concentration and telepathy, protection of the familiars and
household pets, ground and center your conciseness with the
earth, to attune with trees and communicate with their
Gold - The male half of the Cosmic or
Universal Life Force, God-sun energy. Intelligent action or
action motivated by deliberation and knowledge, usually with
healing, money, or wealth in mind. Gold is related to orange and
yellow, in that it is a higher vibration of these two colors and
any one of the three can actually be used on Sunday (sun) with
success. The choice here is for you to experiment and decide
which colour best suits your particular needs. Generally
speaking, orange vibrates to physical and mental action, while
yellow vibrates to mental action only (better attributed to
Wednesday/Mercury). Lastly, gold would be indicative of
intelligent, quick action with a monetary emphasis.
Planet: Sun
Day: Sunday
Energy: Male
Used for : Spells to attract the power of cosmic influences, and
rituals to honor solar deities, to heal and rejuvenate your
being, attracting happy, active people into your life, to
expedite money you know is coming to you, to impart energy and
intelligence to take proper action in a monetary situation.
Gray - This color is unique, due to its
aspect of neutrality. Gray can be used to neutralize anything
from a magickal act that not longer serves your best interest, to
the neutralization of destructive energies in a passive
non-karmic fashion. It is a perfect balance of black and white,
and therefore absorbs and repels. With this quality, gray draws
in the undesirable energies and then sends them out to the
universe for dispersal as neither a destructive nor constructive
Planet: Moon
Day: Monday
Energy: Female and Male
Used for :To erase, cancel, neutralize, and return to the
universe without repercussion, to eradicate or jumble destructive
forces, to attract neither destructive nor constructive energies
to your life (this includes people and situations).
Green - Green really does bring the luck in
cases of money. But be very clear in your intent regarding money
sought with this color. If done with haste and no specific intent
it seems to fade quickly or trickle in a little at a time, just
enough to wet your appetite (refer to gold or brown). Green
stimulates growth, plant life or garden fairies. Green is an
Earth color and is used on Friday. Depending upon the magickal
system you employ, it may be used on Wednesday as it is a healing
day as well. Green used on Friday gives an emotional healing
(matters of the heart), while Wednesday emphasizes healing
Planet: Venus, Mercury
Day: Friday, Wednesday
Energy: Female or Male
Used for :Spells involving fertility, success, good luck,
prosperity, money, rejuvenation and ambition, rituals to
counteract greed and jealousy. Communication with the plant
kingdom (darker greens) or fairies (pastels). The secrets of
healing are yours when you tune in to this color. Use in
conjunction with herbal healing techniques.
Orange - Orange is a combination of
yellow/Mercury (mental agility) and red/Mars (action-energy).
Thus you have the best of both worlds, the energies of the
actions of red, yet the intelligence to know how to use this
action. The over aggressive nature of the colour red/Mars is now
toned and tapered with the healing wisdom rays of yellow/Mercury
that nurtures the entire system. Sunday is the best day for the
use of the color orange. It can be used on Tuesday or Wednesday
with success, depending on your magickal goals. If used on
Tuesday, the emphasis is on physical action. If used on
Wednesday, it is on mental actions whereas Sunday is a balance of
Planet: Sun, Mars, Mercury
Day: Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Orange, rarely red, sometimes yellow
Used for :Prosperity, energy building, attracts others in a
positive way, attracts success, good luck and fortune. Builds
energy, vitality and stamina. Encourages fun and discourages
laziness. Enhances mental agility, accompanied by the ability to
take physical action toward a desired goal. Energizes the entire
system. Promotes a happy-go-lucky appearance.
Pink - Pink is a lighter shade of red. It
deals with spiritual, emotional love rather than the physical
form. Pink represents love that comes from the heart that is
freely given without condition, such as the emotions and feelings
between parent and child, close friends, or family.
Day: Friday
Energy: Female
Used for: Love from the heart without sexual connotation, purest
form of love, raises vibrations, love without selfishness,
feminine, spiritual healing, banish lower vibrations and hate,
love of friends and family, affections, unselfish emotions, to
start a relationship.
Purple - Purple is the color of expansion
in all forms. If you want to do something in a big way, this is
the color to us. Purple expands anything you desire, i.e..,
spirituality, business, money, health or love. The royal blues
are less expansive, dealing more with the emotional and spiritual
levels of Jupiter. Therefore, the royal or dark blues of often
attributed to Saturn. A word of caution, however: if you do not
already have the items of your desire, do not use Jupiter.
Jupiter only expands and brings more of what you already have. To
obtain the items of your desires, use Sun, Sunday, Orange in
order to manifest what you currently do not have in your life.
Planet: Jupiter
Day: Thursday
Energy: Male
Purple, sometimes royal blue or dark purple/ Saturn.
Used for: Purple brings more of what you already have, in a
bigger way. Wisdom, high idealism, knowledge of the higher realms
of magick, spiritual protection and healing, the becoming of your
highest potential. Enhancement of power, psychic ability, male
energy, protective energy, recognition in your chosen field.
Red - Red is a fiery color that attracts
and magnetizes, but must be used with discernment to avoid
disastrous results. The shade of red used or considered in your
magickal act will be of extreme importance here. Stay with the
lighter, brighter shades of red and leave the darker shades for
the more experienced practitioners for now. The darker shades are
for wars, battles, hate and danger.
Planet: Mars
Day: Tuesday
Energy: Male
Colors: Red
Used for: Lust, physical desire, base energy, war, attracts and
magnetizes, courage, enemies, danger. Red stimulates and
energizes. Cherry reds are for physical and mental lovemaking,
but without the brutal force of the darker hues.
White - A pastel combination of all colors, white reflects light
with little to no absorption. Whenever in doubt in a magickal
act, use white, which is the most highly balanced form of
spirituality possible. White contains virtues in their highest
form, and is therefore very protective. It is beyond the word or
term God/dess. It is the Creative Source itself, zero, the alpha,
the light from which all life springs, the female aspect of God,
the Craft of the Wise, the full of the moon, the symbol of the
life giving Mother, and all female mysteries.
Planet: Moon
Day: Monday
Energy: Female
Color: Silvers, pearls, creams, grays, whites, pale pinks,
violets, blue hues, etc.
Used for: Consecration rituals, meditation, divination, exorcism,
and spells that involve healing, clairvoyance, truth, peace,
spiritual strength, to confound enemies, create illusions,
contact spirit helpers, to build purity, balance the aura.
Yellow - Yellow is the color of mental
clarity, swiftness and accuracy. A sunny, positive disposition
with spiritual attuning to the healing forces of the male energy
(refer to gold).
Planet: Mercury
Day: Wednesday
Energy: Male
Colors: Yellow
Used for: To obtain knowledge, learn swiftly, gain insight into
problems. Yellow represents all institutions of learning,
particularly upper level studies such as sciences. Alters dark
mental mood swings, enhances knowledge of healing, ability to
concentrate, retention of memory. Yellow attracts people, as it
has a warm compelling energy.