Herbal Magick

Herbal Magick

Included on this page are recipes for home remedies, magick "helpers" (such as dream pillows) and other things of that sort. If you have anything you would like to add, please E-mail me and let me know. And as always, please, please use caution when using herbs that are unfamiliar to you.

Herbal Teas

Lemon Balm Tea

Balm tea is credited with clearing the head, helping against fevers and as a heart stimulant. This traditional and stimulating blend can be made in any quantity and stored in an airtight container. Use equal parts of dried:

lemon balm leaves

Combine all ingredients. Use 1 teaspoon herbs to each cup of boiling water. Allow 10 minutes for the tea to steep in a covered pot.

Headache Tea

As need arises this tea may be used near to bedtime to aid in getting rid of a headache and helping one to fall asleep. Add equal amounts of the following herbs:

White Willow Bark

Mix well and allow to steep in boiling water for approximately 4-5 minutes. Add honey to taste, although this particular tea has a pleasant taste without any sweetness added.

Another Headache Tea

Follow the same instructions as on the tea above but include equal parts of the following ingredients:

White Willow Bark

Divination Tea

This tea is to be drank prior to performing any divination technique, tarot, runes, etc. Do not drive after drinking this tea until familiar with the effect it has on you. Add equal parts of the following herbs:

Black Tea
Lemon Balm
Rose Hips

Mix well and allow to steep for 3-5 minutes in boiling water. Add milk, honey or lemon to taste.

Tea for Menstrual Cramps

Mix equal parts of Saint Johnswort leaves and rasberry leaves in boiling leaves in boiling water for about 10 minutes.

Cinnamon Tea for Menstrual Cramps

Combine 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon and 1 cup boiling water. This is a quick and effective way to alleviate the pain of menstrual cramps.

Cold and Flu Tonic

I realize that this isn't an herbal tea, but it is close enough to be included in this section. This tonic is great for curing colds and flu. What you will need:

1 naval orange
Whole Cloves
1/4 cup maple syrup
1 bottle good red Burgundy

Stud the orange with the cloves and roast at 350 degrees for 30 minutes. Cut into quarters, put in a saucepan, and add the maple syrup and Burgundy. Heat on low just until the wine begins to steam. Serve hot in mugs!

Endurance Maker Cocktail

Again, this isn't an herbal tea, but close enough. This drink does just what it says when drank on a regular basis. This isn't a one time deal. You could call it "therapy". You will need:

Juice of 1 lemon
2 tablespoons Water
3 tablespoons Powdered Milk
1 tablespoon Honey, or more to taste

Combine all the ingredients, stir vigorously, and consume. Two of these cocktails a day.

Herbal Hints

Womens Complaints
  • Ginger, in hot ginger tea or mixed with milk, is an old remedy for pain associated with menstruation.
  • Other herbs reputed to ease mentrual cramps include allspice, angelica, bee balm, lemon balm, black haw, chamomile, feverfew, rosemary, thyme and valerian.
  • Celery seed is reputed to ease water retention
  • Decocted basil, in stron tea, can ease the pain of cramps and heavy periods.
  • Comsume raw garlic in your daily diet to prevent and treat yeast infections.
  • If you are trying to get pregnant, look for herbs that stimulate the reproductive system, such as peppermint and marigold flowers, ginseng, false unicorn root, and blue cohosh.
  • An infusion of basil can be effective for minimizing the night sweats of menopause.
  • Massage the temples with lavendar oil to ease anxiety
  • For melancholy or depression, drink rosemary tea by itself or combined with skullcap or vervain.

Calming and Relaxing

  • Dried lavender flowers, added to the bath, offer a fragrent soak and mild astringent cleansing. This is a good choice for colicky babies.
  • Hot footbaths, given their heat by mustard or lye, are used to releive headaches.
  • Take a cup of chamomile tea, made with two tea bags, into the bath with you. Le the infusion steep briefly, then lift the tea bags out and allow them to cool slightly. Place one over each eyelid to ease puffiness or irritation and aid in relaxation.
  • Elder flowers steeped in hot water make a gently cleansing bath that induces sleep and is relaxing to the nerves.
  • Toss lavender in the linen closes to scent your bed sheets. Lavender is a mildly narcotic herb and will aid in sleep.
  • Catnip tea and chamomile tea are used for both nervous conditions and insomnia in infants and adults.
  • Sage is considered a "ghost medicine", used to prevent nightmares. Burn as incense in the bedroom or strew on the floor or in the bed.
  • Make a small sachet of dill and toss in the dryer when drying pillowcases to induce sleep.
  • Drink passionflower tea for sleeplessness.


  • The tomatoe, once considered poisonous to eat, also was reputed to stir lust if consumed in small doses.
  • Drink dandelion juice to prevent "the involuntary effusion of seed".
  • Use rosewater, rose bath oil, or rose massage oil as stimulant for women.
  • Drink ginseng tea at bedtime for vigor.
  • Before nuptials, drink an infusion of celery. Or mix a pulverized head of celery with a good french white wine, let sit for 2 days, strain and drink a glass a day for a week.
  • Make an herb oil or salve of ginger and use it to massage the lower back to bring heat to the area and increase circulation
  • Burdock root, eaten raw, was supposed to increase seed and stir up lust.

More to come soon...dream pillows, spell bags, sachets, bath tea. ( And some terribly needed graphics for this page. *smile*)

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